
31 August 2015

New Release & Giveaway ~ August, Calendar Girl #8, by Audrey Carlan

Title: August
Series: Calendar Girl #8
Author: Audrey Carlan
Publisher: Waterhouse Press
 Release Date: August 31, 2015


Pretending. I’ve always been good at pretending.

Being someone else is easy, and that ability has served me well these last seven months.

This time, I’ve been hired to be the long lost sister of oil tycoon, and down to earth cowboy, Maxwell Cunningham. Recently, Maxwell’s father passed away and in his last Will and Testament he dropped a bomb no one saw coming.

One of the richest men in the world, left forty-nine percent of his company to a sister my client never knew he had. A woman named Mia Saunders.

Maxwell has a year to find this sister or he loses almost half of his empire to a greedy board of investors. Somehow, he found me and here I am.

Sharing in family dinners, pretending to be someone I’m not and fooling bigwigs left and right. Only I’m finding myself falling in love with a family I can never have. One that will hurt to leave.

Stetsons, soul-searching, and sisterly duty all come into a sharp tangle with twists and turns I never saw coming. ***

In the eighth book of the Calendar Girl serial, Mia is sent to Dallas, Texas. Still on her mission to save her father, she is hired to be the long lost sister of Maxwell Cunningham, one of the newly richest men in America.

Each installment in the Calendar Girl Serial will release every month throughout 2015. The stories will feature Mia’s journey as an escort to twelve clients in twelve different locations.

Warning: This book is designed for audiences 18+ due to language and graphic sexual content.

Links to Buy


Audrey has done it again! And I am so excited to be in Texas!!

And Max? What's not to love about this cowboy!

I loved the relationship that he and Mia form. And getting to know his family was amazing; I really loved them almost like they were my own family. There is just something about being their for family that warms my heart.

After all that Mia has been through, I think she, and the readers, needed this Texas man on the way to the end of this journey. Laughter is always fun with family, even with you're just pretending to be family.

And Wes? I can't wait to see what will happen with this couple at the end of the year!

And the ending? Oh my GOODNESS! Audrey is defiantly making it easy to come back each month to see what Mia's journey will bring. Aspen here we come!!

Also Available








Author Bio

Audrey Carlan is an Amazon Best Selling Author who writes erotic contemporary romances, such as the wildly popular "Falling Series." 

She lives in the sunny California Valley two hours away from the city, the beach, the mountains and the precious…the vineyards. 

She has been married to the love of her life for over 10 years and has two young children that live up to their title of “Monster Madness” on daily basis. 

When she’s not writing, sipping wine with her “soul sisters”, or doing yoga, she can be found with her nose stuck in book or her Kindle. A hot, smutty, romantic book to be exact!

Author Links

New Release & Giveaway ~ Indecision, Maine Attraction #1, by Elisabeth Grace


Do you love a man in uniform?
Me too - and boy, has Elisabeth Grace supplied one for us!

Jamie is sweet in the streets and sizzling in the sheets, and you most definitely want to get your hands on him in INDECISION, which is available now!

Indecision - Ebook Small


Jackie Davenport will try anything once, especially in the bedroom. Anything except falling in love. She lives a carefree existence packed full of fun, but free from emotional entanglements and that’s just how she wants to keep it. When she meets the new police officer in town, she’s unable to deny the connection between them. His over confidence and bullish ways grate on her…still she can’t help but find herself falling into his bed AND falling for him.

Jamie McTavish is man enough to admit that he probably didn’t make the best first impression when he met the 911 Operator. That doesn’t mean there isn’t still sizzling sexual tension between them. He’s a man of action and he’s not content to sit on the sidelines until Jackie works out her issues. But trying to tame this tiger might be too big of a challenge for even him.

Add INDECISION to your Goodreads list here!

Get it now


I pulled the cruiser into Jackie’s driveway. What the hell was wrong with me? It was only yesterday that I’d gotten her off and yet here I was, sitting unannounced in her driveway like a stalker.

If I’d thought it difficult to get her off my mind before, what had happened in the wine cellar had made it damn near impossible.

Everyone I’d talked to had said the same thing—that she’d turned down each and every cop or fireman that had asked her out. No one was sure if she was just trying to keep her personal life outside of the work environment or what, but I intended to find out. The insane pull between us didn’t leave me any other choice.

With a sigh, I unbuckled my seatbelt and glanced at the small bungalow. It was cute with white siding and black shutters. Hanging baskets of colorful flowers hung from hooks around the veranda and a kickass bicycle was leaning against the side of the house. That helped to explain why she had such a firm ass.

I opened the door to the cruiser when the front door of the house burst open, and Jackie stood there frozen, her hand held to her chest and such an expression of fear on her face that I bolted out of the car and up the front steps.

“What’s wrong?” I demanded as soon as I was in front of her.

“Wh-what are you doing here?” she asked in barely a whisper.

I relaxed a fraction once it was clear she was okay. “I figured you could use a lift to Don’s place for your car. Didn’t think you would’ve driven home last night.” I shrugged. “It’s been quiet today, so I popped by to see if you wanted me to drive you over.”

She released a pent-up breath and relief washed over her face. “Oh, thank God.”

I frowned and gripped her upper arms. “What’s going on? Everything okay?”

She glanced down at where my hands lay on her soft skin and looked back up to me, blinking twice. “It’s nothing. When I saw the cruiser in the driveway...never mind.” She shook her head.

I studied her for a moment. She was sexy just rolling out of bed with her hair thrown in a messy bun and last night’s make-up still on her face. “You sure?”

She nodded and her eyes flicked down to my hands once more. “Why are you always touching me whenever I see you?” Her voice had come out all breathy, not at all convincing me that she didn’t like my hands right where they were.

I grazed her collarbones with my thumbs, causing goose bumps to form on her skin. “I think you know exactly why.”


I absolutely love Elisabeth Grace and her tantalizing men! And how do I feel about Jamie McTavish? Well, I'd have to admit that I think he may be my favorite hero to date! And if you know me, you know that is huge because that means he's thrown Landon off his pedestal. Sorry Landon, Jamie came in with his police issue handcuffs and stole my heart.

So did I like this book? No...... I loved it! Yes, I loved this sultry story about taking chances and not letting fear dictate how you live your life.

Jackie had her life torn apart at a young age and because of that, she's put up walls. High, strong, impermeable walls. She has an independent, strong-willed personality that knows what she wants and what she doesn't. And to those that she's let into her inner circle, she's fiercely loyal and always willing to give a helping hand. She the type of person that you can't help but love and want to be friends with.

Jamie is new to town having moved from Boston. He made the decision to relocate to Bar Harbor to look after his ailing father. Although new, he's quickly making a name for himself. He's a man's man that you can hang with, watch sports, have a drink, and very easy to get along with. It doesn't hurt that he is tall, dark, handsome, incredibly sexy smile, strong, funny, and a heart of gold. And let's not forget, he comes with his own handcuffs.

When Jackie meets Jamie, she doesn't want to like him; he's everything she doesn't feel fit into her life. But Jamie isn't one to take no for answer; he know's what he wants and he's not stopping until he gets her. And he's got the handcuffs to help him, should he want to use them.

Their relationship is rocky but oh so sexy. Like give a girl a fan, a cold glass of water, and ice cold shower. Jackie may be fighting her feelings for Jamie, but they just can't seem to keep their hands off each other. But as things start to turn serious, will Jackie be able to move past her issue and sees what's right in front of her?

Again I say, I truly enjoyed this book. It's sweet and sultry and everything you can expect from an Elisabeth Grace book. But if you haven't read any Elisabeth Grace book and want to, then this is a perfect first book for you.

Giveaways and Release Festivities

Want to win?
Enter via the rafflecopter below!

Elisabeth Grace isn't giving away just one prize in celebration of INDECISION - she's giving away a ton more! Be sure to keep an eye on Elisabeth Grace's Facebook page this week for more information about a lot of really cool prizes you can win!

Happy Hour Book Bash


Join Elisabeth Grace with Faith Andrews, RE Hunter, Livia Jamerlan, and BA Wolfe on September 1st from 6pm - 11pm EST for some end of summer fun and giveaways!
Click here to RSVP to the event on Facebook!

Be sure to sign up for Elisabeth Grace's newsletter - she's releasing a new chapter of BUILT TO LAST every two weeks, which will be available to newsletter subscribers only as she writes it!

Connect with Elisabeth Grace

If you're US based and you want to receive a text message when Elisabeth has a new book go LIVE, text ROMANCE to 313131!

Cover Reveal ~ Faerie's Ring, Sedona Series #1, by Jaylee Austin

Cover Reveal

Faerie's Ring
Sedona Series, Book 1
By: Jaylee Austin
Release Date: November 9 2015
Publisher: Roane Publishing
Keywords: Fantasy, Fae, Faeries, Paranormal, Romance, Demons, Vortex, Realms, Magic, Sidhe


A fallen demon invades Lara Clint’s beloved city of Sedona and a strange voice calls for her to awaken to her destiny. A demon catcher, she is summoned to capture and reignite the flame of the iris, stolen by the son of Vobris, God of Light. Ironically, her own secret binds her to the demon.

Rafe Avery, a sidhe warrior and protector of dreams, is challenged to remove the black rose of darkness and help the one chosen to replace the white iris. Time has run out. The gates of Elysium and the magic portals will close to humankind, leaving them to the mercy and control of the revenge-seeking demon.

A hot attraction ignites between the human and fae as they struggle to accomplish their goals. Lara’s secret threatens to destroy all their lives. Is Rafe’s love strong enough to break evil bonds and bring the darkness to justice?

About Jaylee Austin

Jaylee Austin lives in Apple Valley California with her partner and dog. Jaylee has a Master’s in Education and works to inspire young writers to take the challenge to find their creative mojo. 

Jaylee loves to hear from readers, so please e-mail at or follow me on twitter.

30 August 2015

Blog Tour & Giveaway ~ Don't Drink the Nine, Delacroix #2, by P.M. Briede

Welcome to my stop on the Don't Drink the Nine Blog Tour!
Read more about the book below, and be sure to follow along with the tour and enter the Mega Giveaway at the bottom!

With a suspect from the "Chorus Girl" case in custody, Detective Richard Giordano and Empathy Delacroix are ready to pursue the bonds of love and friendship. Free from the restrictions of the case, their love affair becomes a full-blown relationship.

Life is relatively normal until another chorus girl turns up dead, and a new cocktail hits the Broadway scene, “Nine.” As the case progresses, it’s looking more and more like Em is somehow tied to an illegal underbelly of New York. Richard must swallow his pride, and his fears, and work with his argumentative brother, Bobby, to crack the case and protect Em.

While one killer is behind bars, the man pulling all the strings is still at large and still set on Em. Richard and Em both know what it will cost to catch a maniacal killer, but the price might be more than they are prepared to pay.

Also Available

Death of a Chorus Girl (Delacroix #1)

When Detective Richard Giordano walks onto the Broadway stage, he expects to find a young, dead chorus girl. Having the show’s choreographer so intricately tied to the victim, and now his case, is something else altogether. What quickly becomes even more troublesome is balancing his attraction with his gut instincts.

The choreographer, Empathy Delacroix, is no stranger to death. Emotional scenes from the past suck her in and force her to play critical roles in the events. They often culminate in her experiencing the victim’s demise. It’s a secret she can’t confide in the police, even if she knows how the chorus girl’s life really ended.

Time ticks by and New York’s vilest players come out of the shadows, not only threatening to detour the case but also Detective Giordano’s and Empathy’s entire lives. The bonds of death and love push them closer together and into the path of a killer, leaving both unsure of what their future holds.

About PM Briede

PM BriedeI am a lover of all things artistic. I grew up surrounded by the performing arts both as a spectator and performer. That love of creation and design is the fuel for my writing now. Being able to create and entertain is a dream come true.

The imagination is a powerful thing, able to take you places you never dreamed. I write realistic fantasy. The idea of the possible having impossible explanations fascinates me. That idea is the driving force behind the Charlotte Grace series.


29 August 2015

Blog Tour & Giveaway ~ The Manhattanites by Avery Aster

Manhattanites Blog Tour


Fans of Alice Clayton, Karina Halle, Emma Chase, and Tara Sivec will enjoy this hilarious and naughty, full-length, stand-alone, cliffhanger free, m/f contemporary erotic romance novel from New York Times Bestselling Author Avery Aster.

At thirty-three, Warner Truman is one of the richest men on the planet, a spa mogul who buys and sells resorts at will. He holds powerful executives’ careers in his well-groomed hands. Nothing is beyond Warner’s reach…until he meets her.

Stunning, tantalizing and perverse, Taddy Brill captivates Warner’s carnal desire like no woman he’s ever met. A self-made millionaire, Taddy is tougher than steel, more brilliant than diamonds and, at twenty-seven, she’s never depended on a man for anything…until she meets him.

The more Taddy plays with Warner’s affections, driving him to erotic heights, the more she is confronted by a dark past. Before she can love him, Taddy must meet her worst fears head-on or risk losing it all, including herself.

Out Now! @

goodreads link



He lifted her right leg to witness her swollen cunt. She’d climaxed too many times to keep track. Warner massaged her thigh. Licking his two fingers, he slipped them into her asshole.

“Warner!” She grabbed onto his shoulders.

With a sly glance, he offered her a villainous smile.

“I’ve never done anal.”


“I’d love to try.” She kissed his lips. “You’re going to have to be gentle, though. No rough stuff.”

Look who’s talking. “Music to my ears.” He reached behind him for a condom from the nightstand and the bottle of lube. “Can you also be gentle?”

After unwrapping the condom, she sheathed his erection. “You should special order extra-ginormous rubbers for the next time.” Taddy laughed, tickling his balls, but had nothing to say about his tough-girl-in-bed question.

Next time? “So, you’re saying you want to see my penis again?” He took a quarter size of silicone oil onto his hand and lacquered her asshole.

“Perhaps.” She squirted lube all over his hard-on. It grew with each stroke.

Ready, his cock itched with intense pleasure. Having Red rub his dick, even when wrapped in Latex, felt euphoric. “Taddy, baby.” He slid two fingers into her ass, testing her tightness.

“It burns,” she gasped.

“You weren’t kidding.” He tried for three fingers.

Taddy gripped his cock and pressed the tip to her anus. “Go slow.” Obviously scared, she kissed him sweetly.

“I promise.” He pulled her into him, ready to take charge. Readjusting her leg around him, he buried his tongue in her mouth. His cock pushed into Red’s ass.

Her warmth guided him deeper.

“You’re doing good, baby.” He kissed her again. “Breathe for me. Take a deep breath.” He went in more.

Taddy inhaled, then exhaled as her ass opened a little more.

“Baby.” He sank in farther. “I’m nearly all the way in.” He kissed her again, putting attention on her nipples, massaging her sore breasts.

She was beautiful. She was quiet. She was sweet.

His cock drove further into her tight, hot asshole. He loved it.

“God, Warner.”

“I’m in, honey. All the way.” He rocked her gorgeous body back and forth. His manhood guided her frame against his. Warner could come right that second. However, he held it. “How do you feel?” Cupping her breasts, he drilled her ass.

“Amazing,” she panted. “You’re…”

“Don’t fight it. Let me be one with your body. Lie with me inside you.” He pumped back and forth. “You’ll get familiar with my dick, I promise.”

“I love it!” Taddy screamed in pleasure.


Fans of Sylvia Day, R.K. Lilley, Christina Lauren, and Maya Banks will enjoy this hilarious and naughty, full-length, stand-alone, cliffhanger free, m/f contemporary erotic romance novel from New York Times Bestselling Author Avery Aster.

Milan’s notorious playboy, Prince Tittoni, seems to have everything–Lamborghinis, exotic women, palaces throughout Europe and business success. Ramping up his fabric company to go global with a new apparel brand, he ruthlessly stops supplying fabrics to the American client who inspired the collection. But once they meet, what’s he willing to give to get her in his bed?

Upper East Side designer Lex Easton has already endured her fair share of hard knocks. She’ll be damned if she’ll let an Italian stud muffin knock her down. So what if she named her favorite vibrator after him? With Fashion Week approaching, she’ll do whatever it takes to secure the fabrics she needs to make her clothing line an international success–even sleep with her rival.

Lex’s Louboutins are dug in deep to win this war. All’s fair in love and fashion!

Out now! @

goodreads link

Review - Undressed

Funny, sexy, sensual, down right entertainment at it's finest.

This book was my first Avery book. I took a chance and fell in love. This story had everything I love. A defiant can't put this down, stay up all night, gotta finish this now, type of book.

Lex is everything you'd expect from someone that grew up with money, lost it all, and remade herself into something she believed in.

Massimo is everything you could want in a tall, dark, handsome, slight arrogant, sexy as hell prince. Personally, I would name my vibrate after him too!

Put these two together and the sparks cause an all out wildfire. Reading in a cold shower is highly recommended.

I really enjoyed this fast paced book and look forward to reading the rest of the series. Well done Avery!



“I want you, Lex Easton,” he moaned, pressing his hand over her backside and pulling her in with a tight force. Massimo plunged his tongue deeper into her mouth.

Their noses meshed, and as he pulled his face from hers, he wiped the dampness from his forehead. She noticed and wondered if she made him nervous?

“Bring it on, my prince!” She brought her right leg up around his left. Lex didn’t want to let him go. She craved more. Unsure what came over her, she leaned forward and kissed him back with a feverish intent as her breasts grazed his chest and desire exploded inside her. Her nipples became hard with desire. She fell against the sofa, where he shoved her sundress up around her waist.

He studied her lacy thong. She loved him looking, more than ever when he ground his hips against her. “Sei bellissima,” he murmured, nuzzling her earlobes. “Do you know how beautiful you are?” 

“Tell me again and again,” she joked, getting more at ease with his compliments. Massimo’s words echoed in her ear.

“I told you the dress looked good on you. I bet it will look even better off you.” He grinned.

“Touch me.” She took his right hand and placed it over her panties, letting his thumb hook on her fabric.Rip it off already.

His fingers glided up her bare stomach and tickled her with pleasure. Upon each caress, his lips kissed her body. He tugged on the little carnation bow centered on her G string.

“What do we have here, bella?” With both hands, he lowered the ivory fabric which kept her private, wrapping the metallic lace between his fingers, and she became exposed—vulnerable and naked in his arms. But he didn’t lower his own slacks, though his zipper seemed as if it would split his linens, revealing his hung loins at any minute.

“Take off your pants,” she bossed. She was a Manhattanite. What did Massimo expect?

“Patience, my bella. I favor taking my time.” He brushed her lips with his pointer and middle finger. With a slow drop of her jaw, she opened her mouth as he inserted two fingers over her tongue. “Such a tight, hot, mouth—my cock on your lips and down your throat will do you some good, bella. Your tongue is too sharp.”

“Mmmmm,” she mumbled. Sucking his fingers, pretending his cock fucked her mouth, she tasted vetiver. His skin felt callous, rough, and yet his nails groomed and smooth. Lex swallowed, imagining for a second it was his load going down her throat. “This is what I’ll be doing to your cock soon enough.” She spoke with confident poise. Unsure where in the hell it came from, she’d run with it.

It turned him on. His eyes widened with excitement.

“Good girl, bella. I love the way your tongue feels against my fingers. Wet suede is how your cunt will feel hugging my cock—when I am inside you,” he continued with a gaze into her eyes. Massimo challenged her to see how verbal she could be.

“Sounds good to me. Let’s go, Masi.” Sweet tiramisu, his voice is making me wet. His words reverberated in her head as a spell cast to unleash her deepest fantasies. She wanted to be his utopia. Massimo’s coolness combined with determination terrified her—in a good way.

“I bet you have a wet cunt.” He shoved his fingers into her mouth. His commanding, deep, baritone voice was hypnotic.

I do now. Her pussy creamed while listening to him speak, while his tone vibrated though her entire body.

“Yes, yes, Masi.” For a second her entrepreneurial brain imagined recording him speak, selling it on iTunes, calling it Come While Massimo Talks. Women could charge up their Masi’s Salami vibrators, lie on their beds, play his voice and off they’d go—to sunflower island. Jesus Fucking Christ.

“Let me touch you, feel your pussy, bella.”

Touch me for sure. Feel me, you bet. Fuck me, let’s go.

Massimo pulled his two wet fingers from her mouth as she whispered, “Do it.” Saliva strings connected his two fingers resembling fine silk.

“I want your pussy soaking.” He then re-licked his tips and fingered one inside her.

Yes, yes, yes. A pleasurable moan rose in her throat as he went deeper, stimulating her clit. A vibration hummed through her body. Her womanhood found its own tune chiming through her, following the conductor’s direction. It was set to an Italian station, that was for sure.

Bliss. Ecstasy. Joy.

“More. Give more…”


For fans who loved the snarky wit of Will & Grace and the epic love drama found in Brokeback Mountain comes Avery Aster’s new full-length, standalone contemporary M/M romance novel, Unsaid.

Chelsea’s hottie Blake Morgan III has reemerged from a nasty breakup. His marriage was a frigid disaster beyond repair, and he vows to be single—forever. Bruised, but still hot in Prada, he creates his Seven Desires wish list, his sexiest imaginings. Blake soon realizes there’s only one man he may trust to make these uninhibited intentions come to fruition: his best friend Miguel Santana.

Lower East Side multimedia artist extraordinaire Miguel Santana may be known as the cocky Latin stud in the city, but all he’s wanted since college was Blake’s hand in marriage. He was livid when Blake walked down the aisle with the wrong guy. Miguel has his own list titled the Seven Needs, which are quite contrary to Blake’s dirty-boy deeds. They involve serious commitments, which may leave his new-to-the-singles-scene buddy sprinting for the door, destroying any hopes Miguel has for happiness.

Can these two hunks conquer their intimate fears and love one another as only best friends can? Join the star-studded cast in The Manhattanites series and see for yourself!

goodreads link

Releasing September 1st @

Unsaid Teaser 2


Blake never imagined he’d be enjoying BDSM play as much as he was right that second. Especially, considering he hadn’t wanted to come to The Dupree Club in the first place. Man, he was happy he’d changed his mind and stayed. He pushed his buddy to extremes. Unaware these desires existed, he didn’t think they’d feel so good. Once tied up, anal beaded, electricity padded, flogged, whipped, then suspended, though it was strange at first, the discipline might become addictive, nonetheless. Something about being made into a sex object was so fitting. His ex-husband considered him a roommate, bill payer, a means to an end. In no way a submissive bottom—and especially not after Diego crossed over to the dark side, he couldn’t.

His reflection against the mirrored walls motivated him to carry on with Miguel. The muscles he’d worked so hard to build in recent months were being put to the test. Up to the point where his Dom put a fucking cement brick on his back, he’d relished in Miguel’s domination.

Getting sentimental? WTF? He’d forgotten about the lunch with Thor and Vive. They’d warned him that Miguel might’ve put more at stake than he’d realized.

He respected Miguel for letting his true feelings for him out, at long last. But why did he have to be tied up and weighed down to listen? He should’ve confessed his feelings years before.

Or maybe not.

Time gaps flashed in his mind as Miguel walked over to the wall and pulled down more toys. He realized his friend didn’t know how to communicate how he felt. Hell, the man wouldn’t tell him when his birthday was, let alone profess his emotions.

Hmmm. He pondered two questions. One, would he have married Diego if he’d known Miguel wanted him? Two, once married, would he have asked for a divorce sooner if he’d come for him? He didn’t have an answer for either.

He was snapped back to reality by the strident sound of a smacking noise, as if his Dom had put on a rubber glove. Spreading his legs, he glanced between them and asked, “What are you doing?”

Miguel squatted and reached under the table. He pulled out a tub. Crisco. “What does it look like?” Unscrewing the lid, he dipped his rubber-gloved hand in.

About the Author

New York Times bestselling author Avery Aster pens The Manhattanites, a contemporary erotic romance series of full-length, stand-alone novels, and the naughty new adult prequel companion series The Undergrad Years.

As a resident of New York City and a graduate from New York University, Avery gives readers an inside look at the city’s glitzy nightlife, socialite sexcapades and tall tales of the über-rich and ultra-famous.

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