
03 November 2015

Book Blitz & Giveaway ~ Christmas Kisses, An Echo Ridge Anthology

We are so excited about this wonderful Anthology!

Let’s take a look at the 5 authors that put this together!

 Rachelle J. Christensen is a mother of five who writes romance and mystery/suspense and solves the case of the missing shoe on a daily basis. She graduated cum laude from Utah State University with a degree in psychology and a minor in music. She enjoys singing and songwriting, playing the piano, running, motivational speaking, and, of course, reading.

Rachelle is the award-winning author of six books, including Wrong Number, Diamond Rings Are Deadly Things, and What Every 6th Grader Needs to Know, as well as the Rone Award-winning novella Silver Cascade Secrets. She and her family live on a farm in Idaho.

Visit to learn more about upcoming books.

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Connie Sokol is a mother of seven, and a favorite local and national speaker for over fifteen years. She is a TV core contributor “Studio 5 with Brooke Walker” and a national blogger for She is one of seven female hosts of The Living Room, an online value-based radio show where they dish on life, loving, and learning (

Mrs. Sokol is a bestselling author who has written 14 books, including her fiction: Christmas Kisses: An Echo Ridge Anthology, and Caribbean Crossroads; and her nonfiction: What Every 6th Grader Needs to Know, Faithful, Fit & Fabulous, Simplify & Savor the SeasonCreate a Powerful Life Plan, and 40 Days with the Savior.

Mrs. Sokol marinates in time spent with her family and eating decadent treats. For her TV segments, blog, podcasts and more, visit

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Lucy McConnell has always been a reader and a writer. Once caught up in a story, she disappears into a cave until the first draft is done. She writes fantasy, clean romance, Christian romance, historical fiction, and cookbooks (under the name Christina Dymock.) Her Christmas romance, Blue Christmas, was a top seller in seven Amazon categories on its own and in thirteen as part of the Christmas in Snow Valley Anthology.

When she’s not writing, you can find her volunteering at the elementary school or church; shuttling kids to baseball, soccer, basketball, or football, depending on the time of year; skiing with her family; wakeboarding; cycling; baking; cooking; or curled up with a good book.

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Heather Tullis has been reading romance for as long as she can remember and has been publishing in the genre since 2009. She has published more than twenty books.

When she’s not dreaming up new stories to write, or helping out with her community garden, she enjoys playing with her dogs and cat, inventing new ways to eat chocolate, and hanging out with her husband. 

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Cami Checketts is an idealist who dreams of helping children around the world but can't keep up with the four in her own home. Cami lives in a beautiful valley in Northern Utah where she enjoys running, biking, and swimming during the two months of the year it isn't snowing.

A portion of the proceeds from Cami's books will be donated to The Child & Family Support Center. For more information on this worthy cause, please go to

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"Christmas Kisses is a collection from five bestselling and award-winning authors. Set in the snowy town of Echo Ridge in upstate New York, these inspirational romances are sure to delight while you sip cocoa by the fire and listen to Christmas carols."

Pick up your copy today!

Let’s get a sneak peek into one of these great stories!

5 random facts about Connie's story and herself

*The idea was born at a writing conference speaker's table with Rachelle, Christina, and myself

*My husband is from upstate New York, where the story is based

*Although I've penned 13 other books, this is my first novella
*I write in between raising seven kids
*I'm originally from Scotland and this year traveled back to Europe for two fabulous weeks!

Snippet from Soda Fountain Christmas

“Bravo,” Cecilia glanced at her file folder. “Beautiful speech. I can’t imagine how many times you ran through it but it’s not going to happen. I’ve already called in the heavy artillery.”

“The what? Who?” Not another “sure-bet” one-time hire.

“A marketing genius, graduated summa cum laude from Yale, and works in a marketing agency in my old downtown.”

“As in New York?”

“Yes, that downtown. He knows how to make the numbers really crunch and that’s what we need this Christmas, Miss Kenworth. Or the store, you, and every employee here is done.” She leaned closer, taking off her reading glasses. “No touchy-feely Hallmark campaign is going to save this sinking ship or get the numbers we need. And certainly not a Kenworth’s poster-child-turned-marketing assistant. Do I make myself clear? Tayton Wells is the answer to our problems, with a fat bonus waiting at the end of the rainbow to ensure success.”

Before Keira could respond to the rudeness, Cecilia looked past her shoulder to the reception area and smiled. “Ah, there’s Tayton now. My noon appointment,” she emphasized clearly.

Keira turned to the three people waiting in the sofa and table area. A dark-haired broad-shouldered man sat in semi-profile to her, texting on a phone. His briefcase lay on the coffee table in front of him. Keira pressed her lips together. Rich, “downtown”, and ready to glam-up her father’s beloved store right out of memory.

Not this time.

Keira spun on her heels and marched over to him though his head remained down. “Mr. Wells, Keira Kenworth. Excuse me for being frank but I have to be absolutely clear up front. I’m sure our little hick city of Echo Ridge can’t compare with the savoir faire of say, 5th Avenue, but there’s one thing you should know.” She glanced back at Cecilia, who stood in a rare moment of open mouth and no sound. So what if she was fired. She’d think about that later.

The man looked up from his phone and glanced around the room as if to be sure she spoke to him. Keira glanced at Cecilia but plowed on. “That’s right, I’m talking to you. No Neiman-Marcus suit ideas will make a bigger impact on our store than the old-fashioned strategy of creating a family-friendly place to shop. A place that connects people. A worthy cause that fills their hearts, not just their gift lists. I can guarantee”—okay, that was stretching it, but in for a penny…--“that not one of your bottom-line glitzy concepts are going to fly in this town. Not long term. It doesn’t work that way here.” Her voice rose. “And I will work night and day to prove that the heart of Christmas is the real secret to saving this store.”


Shirley smacked her gum. “Oh, sugar, that’s a whopper speech right there.”

Keira’s chest heaved slightly while standing her ground. The man smiled—or was it a smirk? Then he stood up, all six foot six tall of him. He smiled openly as he appraised her. “For the record, I’m not—”

Another man suddenly stood next to Keira. “Are you looking for me?”

A deep baritone voice. Like warm rushing water. Keira turned to her right. A well-built dark-haired man in a nice-fitting burgundy jersey and snug jeans stood with a hint of a smile. “I’m Tayton Wells.”

“You? But I—” Keira willed her face to remain neutral but could feel the tinge of red spreading from her cheeks to her earlobes. Glancing back at the original man, he stuck out his hand. “Drew Stirling. Remember me?”

“Wait, Drew? As in our Echo Ridge basketball legend? I didn’t recognize you in a suit. I mean, not wearing sweats.”

Articulate, Keira.

Tayton stepped slightly in front of Drew, necessitating their handshake to break. Though tall, Tayton only rose to his shoulders. “I apologize for the confusion between people. As for business attire, the driver ran late so we didn’t have time to stop at the resort first. Are we meeting with Ms. Grange right now?”

“Not we. Just you.” Cecilia had walked over to them. “Drew, I’ll be with you soon, touch base with accounting. Tayton, in here. Keira, go make yourself useful.” With that she turned on her red heels and entered her office.

Dismissed. The redness in Keira’s face burned. Drew grabbed his briefcase and with a nod and smile headed toward the open office door. Tayton feigned gentlemanly interest in his duffel bag while Keira shook off the embarrassment, holding her work folder close to her chest.

He stood. “Sounds like we’ll meet later then.”

“Apparently.” She shrugged. “Possibly.” Turning to go, she looked back, surprised to find him watching her. “I meant what I said, Mr. Wells. If we have to go toe to toe, I’m in the ring.”

He watched her for a moment longer than he should have then nodded with the start of a smile. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Not knowing what to do with that, Keira walked through the open door and into the nearest restroom to calm down. She forced herself not to beat her hands on the door.

What an utter failure of a morning.

Follow along on the Facebook Event Page to get an inside look at all the stories in this Anthology.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing! This release day has been amazing thanks to bloggers like you.
    Warmest wishes,
