
04 November 2015

New Release & Review ~ The Exhibitionist, The Submissive Series #6, by Tara Sue Me

Tara Sue Me
The Exhibitionist
Date of publication: 11/3/2015


How far can a true submissive romance go? Abby and Nathaniel push their limits as the New York Times bestselling Submissive Series continues.…

She's ready for even more.…

When Abby West discovered her submissive desires, she felt like she was born anew. But lately, her Dominant husband hasn't been the demanding Master who once fulfilled her every passion. Abby begins to crave something else—and to wonder if Nathaniel can still push her past her boundaries to the places she craves.

Nathaniel knows that Abby belongs to him completely, but even he can't ignore the pleasure on her face as they get to know their new BDSM group. They've invited Nathaniel to guide their group to a new level, and he's promised to show them the way, even as he recommits to fulfilling his beautiful submissive wife's every desire. Only this time, uncovering her sexual limits may also expose their relationship to more conflict than it can withstand.…

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The smell of lust filled the room. In fact, the sexual tension was so high I would bet most of the women present longed to be in the place of the lovely redhead. Currently standing in front of Cole Johnson, the Partners in Play group’s newest senior Dominant, the petite woman trembled slightly. Although she was fully clothed, she displayed a vulnerability I was all too familiar with.

“Daniel told me she’s been having difficulties focusing,” my husband and Dominant, Nathaniel, said. We were at a play party being held at a private residence. He stood behind me, and though we were somewhat removed from the group, he still whispered. “He said he hopes the session with Cole will help.”

“With everyone watching?” I asked. “That seems unlikely.”

“I guess we’ll see.”

We couldn’t hear Cole’s voice; he spoke too softly. The submissive’s gaze drifted from him to the watching crowd. Bad move. Quick as a lightning strike, Cole grabbed her chin and forced her to meet his eyes.

“On me,” he said, the threat in his voice noticeable before it dropped back down to a whisper.

“Perhaps he believes if she can focus while in the middle of a crowd, she can focus during anything,” Nathaniel said.

There was probably some truth to that. The submissive certainly didn’t appear to be tempted to look our way again. Then again, Cole had placed his hands on her shoulders and started a slow stroke up and down her arms. All the while, he kept his eyes locked on hers. I doubted there were many women who would be able to think about anything else if he was looking at them like that.

After a few minutes, he stepped back and spoke to her again. “As far as you’re concerned, you and I are the only people in this room. Understand?”

She answered with a softly spoken “Yes, Sir.”

“Louder,” he said. “Own your words.”

“Yes, Sir,” she repeated, this time with more confidence.

“You are to keep your eyes on mine the entire time we’re together unless I tell you to do otherwise.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“What’s your safe word?” Cole asked.

“Red, Sir.”

“Thank you. Take your shirt off.”

Her gaze briefly flickered to the floor.

“That’s one, sub,” Cole said, and she sucked in a breath. “Tell me what you did.”

“I looked at the floor, Sir.”

“And what were you supposed to do?”

“Keep my eyes on yours.”

Cole nodded. “Take your shirt off the proper way.”

This time, she kept her focus on him while she unbuttoned and slid the shirt off her shoulders. It fluttered to the floor.

“Very nice,” Cole said. “Now remove your bra.”

I wasn’t a Dominant by any stretch, but I’d been an active submissive for long enough to know and recognize hesitation. Hell, I’d done it often enough myself, but I always learned something new when I was an observer. It was certainly interesting seeing things from a different prospective.

Cole took a step toward her. “On the checklist you filled out, how do you have public nudity listed?”

“As won’t object, Sir.”

“And how else am I to interpret your hesitation as anything other than objecting?”

“I don’t know, Sir.”

“That’s because there is no other way. That’s two. Now remove the bra.”

She quickly reached behind her back to unsnap her bra, but my own focus was suddenly shifted to my husband’s two hands, which were unbuttoning my shirt.

His voice was rough in my ear while his fingers stroked my breasts. “You like watching, don’t you?”

“Especially with you teasing me like that with your hands, Master.”

“You like teasing?” he asked.                 
I realized what I’d said and how he’d probably interpret my words. “Uh, well . . .”

He chuckled. “Too late. I’m going to thoroughly enjoy teasing you tonight, but for right now, watch Master Johnson.”


This is was slow start but once Abby and Nathaniel move and start a new chapter in their life, things start to strain for the couple. But what we know about this deeply passionate couple is that if they can get through they will be stronger than ever.

Not having read the first five books, I was scared that I wouldn't be able to fully grasp the characters, but that was not the case. There is enough backstory thrown in to keep you interested in their story. Watching them grow their relationship with all the hardships life can throw at you makes them feel real, like your friends. Having small kids, demanding jobs, retaining passion in their relationship can sometime be left behind. I love watching them fight to keep it alive. No one gets it right all the time, but what you do afterwards is what counts.

This was an engaging story about a couple working through their issues one step at a time. They enjoy a BDSM relationship but their problems are ones that anyone can relate to.

About the Author

Tara Sue Me wrote her first novel at the age of twelve. It would be twenty years before she picked up her pen to write the second.

After completing several clean romances, she decided to try her hand at something spicier and started The Submissive. What began as a writing exercise quickly took on a life of its own. An avid reader of all types of fiction, she soon discovered she enjoyed writing a variety as well.

Tara lives in the Southeastern United States with her family, two dogs, and a cat.

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