
04 April 2016

Blog Tour & Review ~ Trust Me, Teach Me #3, by Sophie Holloway

I can't get enough.
Enough of her beautiful body, her passion, and the way I feel when she's in my arms.
Eva has become the most precious thing in my world and I'll do whatever it takes to protect her. Her enemies are ruthless, but so am I.
I am not a man to be toyed with, especially when it comes to this woman. My woman.
I will find her, protect her, and make damned sure she knows that she's all that matters.
No one can tear us apart, not as long as she trusts me.


Just when you think you couldn't fall more in love with Jack, he goes and proves you wrong.

When Eva gets taken, he doesn't think twice about following and rescuing her. She has become very important to him and he's not going to sit back and let some thugs hurt her and get away with it. And once she's back in his arms he'll stop at nothing to get to the bottom of all this. Why is someone after Eva and his job? How far back does all this go? When will it end?

Both knew going to this particular arrangement things would never be quite the same again, but what they didn't expect was the deep rooted feeling they would develop. Each are worried how the other will feeling about making this arrangement for a bit longer, but neither can express themselves. Can they find a way to make this last or will their past relationship be the reason for them to walk away.

This book is an equally heart wrenching and provocative story. Jack proves that there is more to him than just his career. He's been a player for years, but once he got that first delicious taste of Eva, there was no turning back for him. The lengths that he goes through to protect her is endearing and completely swoon worthy. Eva has grown into a seductive temptress with Jack's help, but she just needed a little self confidence. I loved that throughout this series, she's always stayed true to herself. Sure she's sexy as hell, but she's been through a lot of heartache. Enough heartache that would break a weaker person. Her devotion to her family and her passion for her career is fascinating.

I love this series and this book is full of twists and turns. As this fast paced story progress, you'll be glue to each word while sitting on the edge of your seat. And when Jack turns up the heat, be prepared for your panties melting and in needs of a very cold, cold shower.

Buy The Series

About Sophie Holloway
Sophie Holloway is from her favorite city on earth--Manhattan. When she's not writing, she's likely lost in a museum, basking in the sun in Central Park, or making excuses to buy gourmet cupcakes. She likes shoes, rooftop parties, lockets with surprises inside, arts and crafts (both in equal measure), long goodbyes, longer hellos, good friends, strong coffee and even stronger men. She hopes to meet her very own Prince Charming someday soon!

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