
01 May 2017

Cover Reveal ~ Rhapsody In Red by Mila Waters

Rhapsody in Red3 copy

Rhapsody in Red
Author: Mila Waters
Release Date: May 13, 2017



Calix Mabry had everything a vampire could ever want. A mate, eternal life, and enough money to sustain them for the rest of their lives. But when his beloved is taken from him, he vows to bring her back at any cost.

Enter Vivienne Peltier. Long legs. Deep red hair. She is everything his Sofia wasn’t. He is drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

Torn between his desire to bring Sofia back and his lust for Vivienne, Calix makes a decision that could potentially tear everything and everyone he knows apart.

True love always wins in the end. But at what cost?

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“Don’t you think it’s time to stop brooding and give this crusade up?”

The voice didn’t startle him. But he was surprised to hear it from the doorway across the room. “What do you want, Quinn?” His voice held no emotion. He wasn’t exactly happy to see her but he wasn’t angry either.

Her footsteps echoed in the large room as she moved closer to him. “I came to see how you are. Can’t a friend stop by to check on another friend without suspicion?”

Calix looked up and sat back in his chair. He was greeted with a plunging neckline that exposed everything from her neck to her navel. She had never been one for modesty. Not even four centuries ago when women weren’t meant to show themselves off.

He raised a brow. “Since when are you my friend, Quinn? I may have turned you but I sure as hell know you only come to me when it suits you.”

The gorgeous redhead laughed, her voice melodic and haunting. “Don’t even start with me. I’ve been there through all of this, Calix. You’re putting yourself through hell and for what? What’s one mortal woman amid the thousands you could choose from?”

About The Author

mila-logo-banner-2An avid reader, single mother, and all around Superwoman, Mila Waters brings her love of creating dark fictional stories to the world. She is fascinated by gothic horror and the paranormal, bringing both elements into her works. Weird, strange, and a geek, she loves research and has no less than 20 works in progress. Stay tuned. She promises a fun, wild, and sexy ride.

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