
13 September 2017

Book Blast & Giveaway ~ Billionaire Ever After

Billionaire Ever After

by Mary Hughes,Victoria Pinder Arabpour, Tia Morris, Courtney Runion Hunt, Ann Omasta, Christine Kingsley, Traci E Hall, Rossie Cortes, Margo Bond Collins,  A.E .Easterlin Elayne Cox, Blaire Edens Lateia Elam Sandifer , Tierney O'Malley, Cheryl Phipps, Michele De Winton, K.L. Brady, Talia Hunter, Allison Gatta, Debbie White, Stephanie Queen, Caitlyn Lynch Catherine Bilson, Cristiane Serruya

Genre: Romance


Feel the sparks fly off the hot romance and action-driven pages of these Exclusive Titles—unavailable separately in ebook format anywhere else!

From sweet to sensual, they’ll satisfy your most indulgent fantasies as you fall in love with an array of billionaire beaus in this contemporary romance collection by some of today’s hottest New York Times, USA Today, and International bestselling authors.

Quench your book-boyfriend addiction with page-turning stories overflowing with decadent luxury, heart-warming love, heated adventure, steamy scenes, and happily-ever-afters.

Featuring billionaires from bad boys to Marines and CEOs to cowboys, this set will take you around the country and jet-setting around the globe with intense, passionate men who always get what they want and fulfill the desires of the women they crave.

Relish each journey in this Limited-Time collection packed with novels and novellas that will provide over one hundred hours of reading.

Grab your copy today before these hot billionaires fly off into the sunset!

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Bad Boy Billionaire’s Lady

Mary Hughes
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Elizabeth promised a dying man she’d protect his charitable legacy. But how, when the greedy, manipulative sharks on the board want her out? And now the biggest shark of all, the Lovless heir, is coming home.

Rebel Lovless joined the Navy to escape his robber-baron grandfather molding him into a ruthless copy. So when the old man dies, the SEAL returns to give away his billions, only to find surprise charities—and a hostile board tearing at the throat of charity organizer, classy lady Elizabeth Rothschild.


Just let me escape. I vow never to take a shortcut again.

Feet pursued Elizabeth. A hand clamped onto her coat. Her pulse kicked into overdrive.

“Where d’you think you’re going?” Skullcap dragged her to a stop.

She swung around, messenger bag first, the kitten carrier clamped to her body.

The mugger grabbed her by the lapels—and tore open her coat beneath the carrier strap.

She sucked in a shocked breath. Inhaled a wash of male stink. She recoiled automatically, heart hammering. The kitten released a terrified screech.

“Well, well.” The mugger dragged her back, his foul excitement pouring off him. “What’s this?”

She struggled against Skullcap’s hold, impotently, horrified that the situation had careened so out of control. Her blood thundered in her ears as she tried desperately to think of a way out…or was that the sound of a motor?

Suddenly, the hard roar of a powerful machine filled the mouth of the alley.

Beyond the muggers, a motorcycle skidded into the narrow way, its harsh engine reverberating against the buildings.

The goon spun toward the intruder. Freed, Elizabeth clutched the carrier and stumbled back, her pulse racing frantically.

The bike tore down the pavement and squealed to a stop a few feet from the mugger.

A big, helmeted, leather-clad man sat easily on the low-slung seat. Scuffed, shitkicker boots rested flat on the pavement.

Her panted breaths rasped in her ears. The mugger’s more dangerous biker pal? God, and she’d thought things couldn’t get worse.

One boot rose to toe the stand down. With a fluid lift of his muscular leg, the man dismounted easily, unfolding to almost a giant’s height. Face completely covered by a mirrored visor, he stood before them without a word.

More dangerous? Try deadly.

Elizabeth’s breath came in frosted little pants. Was she rescued, or in even more trouble than before?

Tempting Harry

Victoria Pinder Arabpour
As the Christmas holiday approaches, Roxy’s determined to lay low and get through the holiday unscathed, but when she meets Harry, her plans suddenly change. Could their chance meeting lead them in a better direction or will their broken hearts and spirits prevent them from finding their happily-ever-after?


Her face was hot. Chris had been supposed to come for Thanksgiving, but when they were about to make the trip up, he broke up with her and slept with another woman, all on the same day. Which was sadly fitting as he’d cheated on his fiancée, Calliope, when he met Roxy. Her mother would probably say publicly that she got what she deserved, if she was given another opportunity. She had already told her privately, on more than occasion. Roxy thought it herself. She hugged her stomach, then looked at her mother’s blue eyes and squared her shoulders. “If I go offer to get him a drink or something, you’ll leave me alone and not talk about either my looks or my love life?”

“Oh, very well. I’m sure you’ll like him.” Her mother pushed her slightly again, to tell her to move faster. She hated having to introduce herself to anyone. Someone else had introduced her to Chris, so the social awkwardness had been lessened when she met him. But she had no time to think about any of that now. She took a step forward, lightly tapped the man’s rather strong muscular arm, and did exactly what her mother had told her. “Hello, would you like a drink or something?” At that moment, the front door opened and everyone in the room grew silent. The attractive, so far unnamed man placed his hand on her shoulder. “Stand behind me.” Without another word, he blocked her view. She peeked around him and saw Gabe and her uncle Tom greet a dark-haired man. “Who is that?”

Billionaire Puppy Love

Tia Morris
A sexy, busy corporate CEO and billionaire hires an attractive woman as his live-in pet sitter when a basket of puppies is dumped at his corporate office by his zany aunt who wants him to settle down and find love.


This was a date, not a business meeting, and she’d taken the job as his pet sitter in hopes of being his PA. Well, they could spend time together, and she would keep things very professional. Friendly, but not romantic.

They stopped to admire the silvery light of the moon shining on the nearly flat ocean. Emma sighed and plopped onto the sand.

Max sat next to her. “I was going to be a gentleman and remove my jacket so you wouldn’t get your dress sandy. And then I remembered I didn’t wear a jacket.”

She gave him a shy smile. “I like you in these clothes better than a suit.”

He leaned close. “Look at that moon,” he murmured, sliding an arm around her waist.

And then he was stroking a hand down her back, his touch assured and confident, but amid the hunger on his face was absolute tenderness.

The tender look evaporated all her resolve. Emma fell backwards onto the sand on her side. Max did the same, facing her.

She didn’t care if her dress was stained or that sand covered her bare legs. All that mattered was this moment…and Max.

“You’re so cute,” he murmured, cupping her cheek.

Emma wrinkled her nose. “Puppies are cute. I’m not a puppy.”

“When you do that little thing with your eyes…”

“You mean when I roll them because you’re comparing me to a pet?”

“Hush,” he said softly. “You mean a lot to me, Em. I haven’t felt this way about a woman in a very long time. You’re sweet and generous and beautiful, inside and out.”

Emma gazed up at him as the waves lapped at their feet.

“Em, I’m going to kiss you now.”

A Bridesmaid for the Billionaire

Courtney Runion Hunt
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Being a bridesmaid in her best friend’s wedding means Jenny Malone will have to face her college sweetheart. Finn Jones shattered her heart when he left her behind on graduation day. Over the years since Jenny and Finn parted, he’s grown up and made himself a billionaire in the process. When they help their best friend elope in the islands, will Jenny and Finn find their second chance at love or will it be just another island fling?


"I want a billionaire too.” A bedraggled Jenny Malone greeted her best friend when she opened the front door of her penthouse in Thorne Tower. Pausing in the glorious marble entryway, perfumed with the rich scent of lilies and roses from the enormous display centered on a carved wood table near the elevator, Jenny tossed her sodden cheap black umbrella into the stand by the door and slipped off her soaked pumps. When her bare feet pressed against the chilled marble floor, she shivered. Even though it was only early October, the Manhattan night outside pelted down cold rain from an indifferent sky. She’d gotten soaked on her dash from the subway.

"Bad date with your tinderfella?" Callie Matthews led her friend into the sumptuously decorated penthouse that was now her home. In June, just as school ended for the year, Ashton Thorne hired Callie to care for his son, Oliver, over the summer. As a struggling kindergarten teacher with space in both her schedule and her bank account, Callie accepted the challenge. Within just a few weeks, Ash and Callie fell madly in love. Now, her friend and former co-worker lived in the lap of luxury with a diamond that cost more than Jenny’s outstanding student loans winking on her finger.

Jenny wasn’t jealous or even envious. She loved Callie like the sister she’d never had. But, there was a tiny part of Jenny that wished it was her getting breakfast served on silver platters instead of grabbing a stale bagel at the local bodega. Or being driven around Manhattan in a climate-controlled private limo instead of taking the crowded subway to work, smashed in with the other bleary-eyed commuters. And, of course, Jenny would love for a hot, handsome, sexy guy to look at her the way Ash looked at Callie. If he happened to be ridiculously wealthy, so much the better.

And why not wish for the moon while she was at it?

The Broke Billionaire

Ann Omasta
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Despite rolling in cash, Trey Donovan feels broke in the ways that truly matter… love, passion, friendship, loyalty, intimacy, and desire. Will Ellie Thorne change that or break him for good?

Distracted and tired, Ellie did not expect anyone else to be on the road as she drove to her bakery at the crack of dawn.

Trey was out for an early morning jog, attempting to escape some of the stress and pressure that surrounded him at his corporate empire.

Ellie had no idea that the mysterious, handsome pedestrian she hit with her car was powerful business tycoon, Trey Donovan, and he intended to keep it that way.

Will he be able to win her heart without using his money as a crutch? Is she the woman he’s been waiting for, or will she leave him even more broken than before?

Find out now in The Broke Billionaire.


The urge to cry was almost overwhelming, but she refused to give in to it. She would let it all out once the stranger was safely at the hospital receiving treatment for his injuries, but right now she needed to focus all of her energy on getting them out of this predicament.

She couldn’t help but notice that the weight of him on top of her wasn’t entirely unpleasant, but she didn’t have the luxury of time to be able to focus on that. As she was trying to decide if gently rolling him off her would risk injuring him further, she realized his breathing had hitched.

She didn’t have to wonder for long if he was awake. He shifted slightly and she gasped in surprise when she felt the firmness in his pants pressing into her upper thigh.

“At least that isn’t broken,” he mumbled near her ear, making the tiny hairs along the back of her neck stand at attention as a thrilling chill raced down her back.

Saved by Him

M.M. Chabot

For two years I have been barely living... until James came into my life and changed everything. James I must be crazy. I am not looking for a woman. I don't see myself ever settling down anymore. I just wanted her.

Sierra I lost myself when my husband died. What I didn't expect was to meet this blue-eyed hunk of a man. I know he wants something I can't give him, but can he save me from this life I have been living.

This book is part of a series, but all books can be read as a standalone. This is book one of the Renwick Billionaire Romances and will be written into a full-length novel.


"Oh, my–" gagging again causes her to turn around abruptly, to get away from the smell making her eyes water, right into the hard chest of a man. A man who doesn't seem pleased. Even though her heart was beating really fast, it wasn't due to anxiety or fear this time, but rather, to the proximity of this beautiful specimen in front of her. Though her body was frozen, she slowly trailed her eyes up and down. He had chestnut brown hair she could run her fingers through, with a strong jaw she would love to trail kisses down. And those eyes, wow, they were the brightest aquamarine she has ever seen, the same eyes she saw in her dreams after the accident. Eyes that she remembered with warmth and compassion, and they were offset with dark, full eyelashes. That mouth would even be beautiful if he wasn’t frowning so hard, and if it wasn’t directed at her.

Sierra wasn't sure when she sighed – probably when her traitorous body realized that man's hard body was pressing up against her still, but she heard it and her face turned red, especially when he took a couple steps back and gave her a death glare.


Christine Kingsley
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Colin Caldwell is spending his summer in the small seaside town of Breakers Bay, where his only goals are to escape, relax and have a good time. He's a notorious playboy, but why wouldn't he be? As heir to Caldwell Enterprises, he's had all the girls in town lining up for a summer fling ever since he was eighteen. Except for the one he really wants. Hadley Hendricks has always kept Colin firmly in the friend zone, ever since he started showing up every summer twelve years ago. This year, he's determined to make her his for the summer. What he doesn't expect is for Hadley to get so close that he doesn't know how to break away again. Or if he even wants to.

Billionaire by the Sea

Traci E Hall
Michael Livingston wakes up under a pier with no recollection as to how he got there, and a woman trying to steal his Rolex. Maggie Kohl discovers a drunk socialite on the surf and tries to pull him to safety. These two strangers come from different worlds. Will they find common ground?


Maggie put her hand on the stranger’s shoulder, calming him. Had he been partying too hard? His dark brown hair was trimmed, his watch, a Rolex, and silk boxers a sign that he had money and probably people searching for him. A bachelor party, she guessed. He seemed too old for spring break shenanigans.

“It’s okay. We just think you should go to the hospital or something to get checked out.” Maggie nodded at him with encouragement.

“I’m all right.” His jaw set stubbornly.

“I found you passed out on the sand by the pier. No clothes,” she said. “I think that’s cause for concern.”

“You can’t remember your name,” Madeleine interjected in her no-nonsense way. “Were you taking drugs last night? On the beach with friends?”

“I don’t do drugs.” The man’s frown formed deep grooves between his brows. “I don’t think.”

Madeleine eyed Maggie. He can’t stay here.

Maggie felt responsible for him, somehow. “Listen, let’s get you cleaned up. Maybe some breakfast will help bring back your memory. What do you remember last?”

He tried to stand but his legs gave out, and he plopped back down on the paddleboard. “I don’t know.”

Madeleine left them on the dock and opened the marina door wide. “Maggie, can I speak to you?”

Maggie reluctantly rose and put her hand on the man’s shoulder to offer a light squeeze. What a night. Dad used to say God protected drunks and idiots. Which will he prove to be?

Rescue Me

Rossie Cortes

Jackson Burke was in trouble. Somebody wanted him dead and framed for a crime he didn't commit, and his only salvation lay on the woman who had betrayed him once. Would he be willing to lose his heart for a chance at redemption? Anne had never expected to see Jackson again, not after he had broken her heart so carelessly without even a backward glance or an explanation. That had almost destroyed her once. Would she risk her heart again to help him restore his good name?

Billionaire in Blue Jeans

Margo Bond Collins

Sierra MacAllan has two rules: never sell off pieces of her hometown to billionaires and never have one-night stands with cowboys. Then Cash Crawford walks into her office and turns those rules upside down. Now she’ll have to decide what to with her very own billionaire in blue jeans.

A Billionaire in the Bargain

A.E .Easterlin

Moira Carruthers needs a husband - fast. Before he died, her father stole money from the family foundation and the only way to fund it is to access her trust. Shy of her birthday by three years, she must marry to get the money she needs. Jackson Kennedy needs a wife - fast. DCS insists he be married before he can adopt his brother's special needs baby, Priscilla. The mother signed over parental rights, but the grandparents want a fight. She needs a husband; he needs a wife. If only it was that simple. A chance meeting, an instant attraction, but a whirlwind romance often causes as many problems as it solves.

Dram Good Brew

Blaire Edens

Lachlan McGowan has it all: a thriving Fair Trade coffee business, a private jet and a fat bank account. He’s not looking for a wife but he needs one to close a very profitable business deal. Marijoy Harris is a Chicago waitress and a guardian to her little brother. When her heating unit conks out in the middle of a brutal winter, she’s willing to make a deal with Lachlan. He’s given her the money to fix the heat, but she doesn’t like to owe anyone money. She’ll pose as his wife for one weekend on a coffee plantation in Colombia in order to absolve the debt. What neither one of the realizes is that a fake marriage can still ignite real sparks and they might need more than one weekend to figure out if their love is for real.

The One

Tierney O'Malley

He didn’t expect to fall in love, but it happens. She only wants to see his face, but he stole her heart instead. And then something magical happens. Kooch Kirkpatrick is as committed to raising his daughter alone as he is to protecting her from the prying eyes of everyone—until gorgeous and sunny Adrienne joins his staff. Within days, she earns everyone’s trust, brings laughter into his home, and makes him realize that she’s the one he’s been waiting for all his life. But her inquisitiveness has him questioning who she really is. All Adrienne wants is to start with her new job. But meeting her new employer not only makes her fall deeply in love with him, but he piques her curiosity to the max. Kooch has been revered as a great man by his staff and around the world, however—he hides a secret. Can Adrienne resist finding out what he hides, or will her curious nature ruin their chances of a happy ever after?


Adrienne found another hallway again which reminded her of the documentary film about Versailles. The hallway was long, but not that wide. One side was all mirrors and the other side was rooms. Some of the doors were open. She peeked in a few. They looked to be guest rooms. Sighing, she stopped walking.

“Seriously. A place this big should have signs!”

She was about to turn around when she heard someone behind her. As if someone had touched her spine, Adrienne shivered. Without looking, she knew who it was.


Would he tell her his name this time? Adrienne started walking again, but with a slower pace. “Were you following me the whole time or just happened to catch me snooping around?”

Kirkpatrick chuckled. “I happen to hear your muttering. You see, this castle is really quiet that every little noise or voice bounced around the walls gets kinda loud. Lost again, are we?”

“Yes we are. Can you tell me what part of the castle I am in right now?”

“Rendezvous hallway.”

Adrienne sucked in her breath when she felt that Kirkpatrick stood so close behind her. So close that she could smell his cologne. If she turned around right now, she’d bump into him. “Rendezvous? So, do people actually meet here?”

“Perhaps. I don’t keep tabs when the guests are here.”

Adrienne faced Kirkpatrick and found herself staring at his chin. She took a step back and almost melted. Good lord. He was one great specimen. Wearing a pair of faded blue jeans that hugged his hips and pale blue long sleeved shirt that he rolled up, he looked so amazingly delicious. It was rude to stare, but it was exactly what she did. She wanted to run her fingers through his still wet hair and feel its texture. Hell, there must be a million women who wanted to do just the same thing. Oh, jeez. He most likely was dating someone, too. “What about you?” she asked with a frown.

Kirkpatrick moved a lock of hair off her cheek. “What about me?”

“Do you meet someone here?”

“No. You’re the first actually.”

“Well, I’m not a guest. And I’m not here to rendezvous. You?”

Kirkpatrick shrugged. “Why are you up early?”

“Because I have work to do. Why are you up early?”

“Habit. What’s up with the frown?”

“Nothing.” Because I just realized that you probably have a girlfriend or girlfriends and I’ve been fantasizing about you. “Is it your job to check the castle to make sure nothing is missing?”

Kirkpatrick shrugged. “Where are you heading?”

“Kitchen. Could you show me how to get to the kitchen?”

“Of course. First, tell me why the sudden mood change?”

Kirkpatrick surprised Adrienne when he hooked his arm around her waist. “What mood change?”

“Loosen up.” He began massaging the small of Adrienne’s back. “Are you always moody when hungry?”

“What are you doing?”

“Come back to me,” he whispered.

Ruthless Billionaire

Cheryl Phipps
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Billionaire, Benjamin Knight, needs a ‘date’ for his sister’s wedding. About to call an agency he literally falls over a promising candidate. Uncharacteristically, he offers the cute and feisty red-head the job without knowing anything about her. A short time later Ben’s thinking this might be a huge mistake.

With her florist shop burned down, Jenna Molloy is desperate for money. Working for a sexy billionaire seems like a lifeline that could even be fun, until the wedding of the year turns into a disaster. Except for that one night of passion. Will one night be enough?


"Oww! Watch where you're going, buddy."

Ben rolled to his side and found one of the workers cross-legged on the temporary floor, with a handful of decorations and a glint in her deep green eyes.


She shrugged. "I don't know your name."


"Well, Ben. I’m hardly invisible, and you nearly squashed me."

"Sorry, I had no idea that anyone was there."


It clearly wasn’t fine, as she snubbed him and went back to making decorations. She leaned to the side to fetch scissors and some kind of raffia from a table. Her shirt lifted to flash a portion of a very trim stomach, and her jeans hugged her backside. With her hair tied in a ponytail, she was both cute and sexy. She stretched once more, and he was leaning more to the sexy part, about then.

"You're staring, Ben."

"Yeah, I guess I am.” He got to his feet as a compelling idea burst into his brain. “Are you a nice person?"

"Pardon?" she screwed up her button nose.

"Do you eat with a knife and fork, and are you pleasant to be around?"

Her eyes widened. "Are you having some sort of breakdown? Should I call someone?"

Love Stuck

Michele De Winton

Fashion Week meets Wall Street.

When Sass Hunt loses her stylist job, again, she pulls out every favour she’s got left to find an A-list client to start her own agency. But her make-or-break session with sexy Investment Banker Kirk Anderson is a disaster. He laughs her plan to give him a funky new look out the door, and her brave plan turns into a scramble for the exit.

The next day the last place she wants to be at is her friend’s wedding, especially when she finds Kirk’s name on the guest list. She slips out early, only to find Kirk has the same idea and they’re forced to share the elevator. It shudders to a stop mid-floor, and Sass freaks. Trapped in the claustrophobic space with a man who humiliated her, this time there’s nowhere to run.

But when Mr Wall Street starts stripping away Sass’s fashionable outer layers, will they discover a connection that’s more than skin deep?


This could not be happening. Sitting beside her the same sensation came over him as had crept up his spine in his office. Her scent wrapped itself around him, and he was taken back the moment he touched her arm. His body didn’t care what his head thought, his blood was already on its full-speed-path around his body, trying its very best to distract him. When her hand held up the wine glass she’d refilled from the bottle in the center of the table, he watched her long fingers curl around the glass stem and wanted them curled around him instead. This is not happening.

During the entree, she nudged his elbow and made him drop his fork. Then when the mains arrived, she spilled a large dollop of gravy on the tablecloth and his jacket sleeve.

"You did that on purpose," he said, mopping at the growing brown stain on his grey suit.

"If I'd done it on purpose you would have known about it, trust me," she said and then put a large helping of mashed potato in her mouth. As she curled her tongue around her fork to get the last vestiges of the super creamy mash off, he couldn't take her eyes off her. The soft pink tip of her tongue darted at the fork. Then she let it linger on her lip before it disappeared. It should have repulsed him, but all he could think of was capturing that lip in his. She caught him staring. "What? Do I have gravy on my face?"

"You should do, the way you've been slurping at it. I'm surprised you haven't started licking the plate." He said it as cover. To hide that he’d been watching her and letting his imagination take his rational mind hostage.

She rolled her eyes at him. "Man, who put a carrot up your butt this morning? I thought you were rude on Monday, but today…" She hissed out air through her teeth. "Today you've reached a whole new level of cold, Mr Anderson."

"I'm not sure of your definition there, Ms Hunt. If by cold you mean able to enjoy my food without making it into a performance art event, then sure, I'm cold.”

She laughed, completely ignoring his attempt at disdain. "Maybe I’m missing a trick. I’m sure there’s a market for gravy performance art out there.”


Sparks fly when Nicki, a single, 40-something successful real estate broker and Devin Sloane, a newly single, 30-something billionaire real estate developer meet on an unexpected trip to the Caribbean -- they fall hard and fast. But they’re vying for a valuable piece of land critical to their professional goals. While love brings them together, will ambition keep them apart?


Nicki gave Devin an overt once-over, examined him from head to foot to head again, and said, "You're entirely adorable, but shouldn't you be sitting over the kiddie tables?"

"Kiddie tables?"

She pointed to the main seating area where dozens of women lined up and waited with anticipation to test their puzzle pieces against Damon's for a date with the billionaire. "I would think a young stud like you would be standing in line to catch Damon Sloane’s leftovers."

He jerked his head back. "Uh, no. I don't deal in leftovers. And I may look young, but I’m old enough."

"Old enough, huh? Well, how old does ‘enough’ look on your birth certificate?" "Thirty-five...and a half."

"You're still counting halves, huh? I knew it. I smelled the Enfamil from across the room," she said before glancing at her watch.

"Such a pity, too. Anyway, I should be getting back to my stateroom. They've probably delivered my luggage by now, and it's past my bedtime." He gave her the side-eye.

"Hmm. That's funny."

"Why?" she said, turning to leave her seat.

"Please don't take any offense. I just didn't know that angels slept. You learn something new every day."

A slow smile crept across her lips. "That was incredibly corny...but cute," she said, sitting down. "You win. Buy me a drink, and I'll give you fifteen minutes. You can ask anything you want."

"Fifteen? I'll take it," Devin replied. "But, uh, you do realize this is an open bar." "I won't tell if you don't."

How To Rock A Billionaire

Talia Hunter
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Three nights together. Two thousand dollars. One chance to fall in love.

Jackson Brent knows the numbers. There are nine hundred people in the world who are richer than he is. Fourteen days before his critical new product launch. And one woman he can’t forget.

When the tech billionaire collides with his teenaged crush, he sees his chance to possess the woman he wanted years ago. Offering her a job as his date for an important conference, he sets the boundaries with a contract forcing the wild rock chick to play by his rules.

Meghan Paige has plans of her own. Running from a bad relationship, all she has left is a beaten-up guitar and battered dreams of stardom. She desperately needs the money Jackson offers, but besides singing, there’s one other thing she’s good at — rule breaking.

“Jackson thinks he can use his fortune to control me? Buckle up, Billionaire, I’m about to rock your world.”


Meghan put on the headphones that were on the stand next to the microphone, then picked up the guitar.

The intensity of Jackson’s gaze made her shiver. His eyes were almost black, and his crooked nose made his face effortlessly masculine. If it had been perfectly straight, he would have been too pretty. But inside that expensive suit was a bare-knuckled fighter, and it was that hint of rawness that made him so damn gorgeous.

Jackson flicked a switch on the mixing desk. “Just like old times.” His voice came through her headphones, so familiar it made her chest ache. If only she could wind back the clock. She’d made so many mistakes in her life, she’d take a do-over in a heartbeat.

She strummed some chords, then winked, wanting to make him smile. “I’m going to sing an original song I wrote after I caught my ex-boyfriend cheating. It’s called, ‘Looking For Your Laptop? Check The Microwave, Asshole.’”

When he laughed, the years dropped away and he was eighteen again. Her heart contracted. God, what a heartbreaker.

Really, she planned to sing him a song she’d written years ago, when she’d first started working as a back-up singer. Her songs had been better back then. Gutsier. She hadn’t written anything she really liked in years.

Jackson’s dark eyes were on her, heating her blood. Singing for an audience had always given her a charge so strong it was as good as sex—especially when her audience looked like him.

Taking a deep breath, she launched into the song. As soon as she started, she knew she’d do it justice. The sound in the recording booth was amazingly clear, and the acoustics brought out the richness in her voice. Damn, she sounded good.

The joy of it bubbled inside her like champagne. This was what she was good at. Being able to sing wiped away all the pain and knocks to her self-confidence. It made her feel strong. Powerful. And horny.

When the last note died away, there was a long silence before he spoke.

“I have a proposition for you.” His voice was husky.

At His Command

Allison Gatta

Lottie Strong is everything Jake Prescott can’t stand in a woman—willful, entitled and stubborn. In fact, if she weren’t so stunningly sexy he’d say there was nothing going for her. Still, when he finds her on the auction block at a charity function, the idea of teasing Lottie is too much to bear—but winning one night with Lottie is much more than Jake could ever have counted on…

The Billionaire’s Catch

Debbie White
Their daughters bring them together, but they are worlds apart.

Billionaire attorney, Jared Matthews, is the single father of a young daughter. He is focused on his work and raising his daughter who is dealing with the death of her mother. He has little time or interest in dating until he meets Rachel, the mother of his daughter’s best friend.

Rachel Carmichael is a single mom working two jobs and barely making ends meet, but she’s determined to do whatever it takes to keep her daughter in a pricey private school. Attraction flares when Rachel meets Jared. Falling for him would be easy, but the two come from completely different worlds.

Can two matchmaking daughters help their parents see that love is the only thing that really matters?


Jared stood up and wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans. He reached out to shake Rachel’s hand. “It was nice to meet you,” he said again, staring into her eyes. He held on to her hand, feeling a pull that was a strange occurrence for him. She giggled and it prompted him to release his hold.

The two women walked them to the door and watched as Jared got each girl buckled in her seat. He turned to wave. “I’ll have her back for dinner,” he called as he made his way around to the driver’s side.

Rachel waved first at Molly and Melissa and then gave a quick wave to Jared.

The girls chattered nonstop in the backseat while Jared drove. He smiled when he heard some of the funny things they were saying. Jared kept thinking about Molly’s mom. When a moment of silence broke in the backseat, he asked Molly a couple of questions. “Where does your dad work at?” he boldly asked.

“I don’t have a dad,” Molly answered.

Jared made eye contact with the little girl through the rearview mirror.

“I’m sorry, Molly. I didn’t realize that.”

“It’s okay. Mommy said he’s been dead before I was born.”

Jared steadied his gaze back on the road.

She’s single.

He never fell for women quickly. He made a point not to. A corner of his heart still belonged to his dear wife. He shook off the crazy feelings so he could concentrate on driving, but he’d definitely felt a little ping when she’d looked at him. It wasn’t every day a woman did that to him. He was kind of turned on by her sexy well-defined arms and legs. And he couldn’t help but notice her tight little butt in those slim fitting yoga pants she was wearing. He lightly licked his lips and raked a hand through his hair.

Yeah. This definitely changes things.

Beachcomber Billionaire

Stephanie Queen

He didn’t need or want a body guard, but the last thing Jack expected was to be turned-on by a woman who was ready to aim her Glock at anyone who threatened him.

The Reluctant Billionaire

Caitlyn Lynch

Recovering from a serious illness at his family's tropical island getaway, Jace Hunter starts to question whether the high-powered business world is really for him when he meets Nessa, a psychologist turned bartender who has found happiness in the simple life.

Damaged Love

Cristiane Serruya

When Richard lost his legs, a white lie made sure Giulianna, his fiancée, didn’t find out about it.

Two years later, Giulianna is hired to cater a wedding at Richard’s manor and the last thing she wants is to see Richard.

One lie tore them apart, breaking both their hearts. And even the truth might not be enough to mend their damaged love.


From the adjoining room, a loud, brittle sound of glass shattering startled Giulianna, but what made her heart lodge midway in her throat was the grave, deep, gut-wrenchingly familiar tone of Richard’s voice.

She thought she had prepared herself to meet him; the man she had dated and loved for years—and still loved—but just the sound of his voice suffused her mind with anger, hurt, and longing.

A pull of awareness coursed through her. Her nipples suddenly tightened and she curled her fingers around the knife she was holding. The two years away did nothing to chase him away from her mind.

“Babe alert on max,” whispered Henriette.

She didn’t need her assistant’s alert to know who had just entered the large and modern kitchen where she was working. She could feel Richard’s magnetic presence demanding that she look at him.

Instead, she focused on assembling all of the tools and ingredients she would need for a fondant-covered confection worthy of a magazine spread. But she couldn’t fail to notice that Christina and Henriette had fixed their hungry gazes on his muscular six-foot-three frame, as if it was hunting season and he was their prey. Even Bella had turned and was staring.

“Jules,” Bella whispered. “He is staring at you. Rather angrily, I would say.”

That made her look up. Only ten feet away, Richard stood with his legs wedged apart, unyielding arms folded across his broad chest.

She wanted to blame the flush across her face on the heat emanating from the oven. But the rapid beat of her pulse confirmed it was one set of impressive royal-blue eyes across the room that was the cause.

If it was possible, he was even more handsome now than the last time she had seen him, more than two years ago. His sand-blond hair had grown from the military buzz and framed his rugged face in a lush mane. He looked broader in the shoulders, which was expected as he had always worked out a lot, but he also looked taller, by at least two inches, which didn’t make any sense, since he was already twenty-seven years old when they started dating.

She licked her suddenly dry lips and looked away.

Focus. It would take yet many hours to do the cake and to set up all the desserts for the four parties and she didn’t have time to waste on a man who had not even cared to break up with her face-to-face.


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  1. Good morning!! Thank you so much for hosting our tour today. Billionaire Ever After box set is loaded with a diverse selection of stories, all with three things in common--love, billionaires, and happily ever afters! I enjoy these stories because of the fairytale quality. Ordinary girl, extraordinary world. Share with us -- what's your favorite kind of romance? And don't forget to enter the rafflecopter to win a $25 gift card!!

  2. Thank you to Liz's Reading Life for hosting us today!

  3. Thanks for having us! We are so excited about our billionaires! It made to #1 best selling anthologies since yesterday!! <3

  4. I love your blog page! It's so unique the way you can scroll through the excerpts. Thanks again for hosting our 22 billionaires. They thank you along with the 22 authors who've brought them to life. Cheers!

  5. What a great blog page, and thanks for hosting us. Today we hit #1 in New Releases. So exciting!
