Vengeance Is Mine
a contemporary romantic trilogy
by Kat Henry Doran
Kat Henry Doran has put together an incredible list of prizes for this tour. They are just beautiful! Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Join us on an exciting tour of great blogs to read more about Vengeance Is Mine, interviews, and guest posts. Remember you may enter every day for a chance to win the prizes. You may find the list of tour location here and you will also find pictures of the prizes here too.
Ever think about going back to study hall to face down the school bully?
The mean girls?
The brainless jocks who made your life a pure misery?
For Dru Horvath, gypsy orphan turned Pulitzer Prize winning photo-journalist; Rafe Archangeli, Scourge of Summerville who now heads a multi-million dollar trust; and Fiona “Fat Aggie” Thorpe who recreated herself into an A-list model with her own A-list agency, the opportunity to exact revenge is too good to pass up.
Will they find the vengeance they crave?
Or something more valuable?
The mean girls?
The brainless jocks who made your life a pure misery?
For Dru Horvath, gypsy orphan turned Pulitzer Prize winning photo-journalist; Rafe Archangeli, Scourge of Summerville who now heads a multi-million dollar trust; and Fiona “Fat Aggie” Thorpe who recreated herself into an A-list model with her own A-list agency, the opportunity to exact revenge is too good to pass up.
Will they find the vengeance they crave?
Or something more valuable?
“Tough way to find out about the other woman.”
“Other woman, hell,” Dru groused. “The assistant was some young stud from Tommy's gym with abs to die for.”
With that. she side-stepped him and reached for the knob on the bathroom door.
Fast on his feet, Rory's counter move brought them nose to nose. “Play much poker, Horvath?”
“I don't know what you mean.”
“Before you started trash talking the cheating ex-husband, your face lit up like the Fourth of July. That tells me you've got something stashed in the tote. Until you let me look inside, it stays out here.”
Clutching the canvas tote to her chest, she sneered, “The only thing in here is my outfit for tonight's event. If you think I'd go naked, one of us is a couple fries short of a happy meal.”
His response came in the form of another gimme motion with those thick, blunt fingers. “How about I close my eyes if I encounter any lacy unmentionables?”
“As if.”
She knew the instant he found the back-up phone. The screw-you look morphed into a smirk. “It's not smart to mess with Homeland Security, sweetie. Those guys eat small rodents for breakfast.”
“Other woman, hell,” Dru groused. “The assistant was some young stud from Tommy's gym with abs to die for.”
With that. she side-stepped him and reached for the knob on the bathroom door.
Fast on his feet, Rory's counter move brought them nose to nose. “Play much poker, Horvath?”
“I don't know what you mean.”
“Before you started trash talking the cheating ex-husband, your face lit up like the Fourth of July. That tells me you've got something stashed in the tote. Until you let me look inside, it stays out here.”
Clutching the canvas tote to her chest, she sneered, “The only thing in here is my outfit for tonight's event. If you think I'd go naked, one of us is a couple fries short of a happy meal.”
His response came in the form of another gimme motion with those thick, blunt fingers. “How about I close my eyes if I encounter any lacy unmentionables?”
“As if.”
She knew the instant he found the back-up phone. The screw-you look morphed into a smirk. “It's not smart to mess with Homeland Security, sweetie. Those guys eat small rodents for breakfast.”
Author Interview
I am pleased to have Kat join me for a little interview today! So let's get started...
Which book inspired you to begin
Mila 18 by Leon Uris changed my life.
How did you come up with the idea for your book? It began with “what if your best friend from years ago dies suddenly and leaves you an inheritance. To collect it, you must return to the town that reviled you.” It morphed into a reunion trilogy.
What's the strangest thing you have ever had to research online for your book?
Argentina’s Dirty War which led to learning about Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo.
What is the main thing you want readers to take away from your book?
Two things: people can overcome tremendous obstacles and go on to triumph. Second: make a difference in the life of another.
What writing advice do you have for other aspiring authors?
Don’t quit. Listen to other, more experienced writers. If one makes what you consider an off the wall criticism, that’s fine for them. If two people make the same observation, perk up a bit. If three people do it—then it’s time to pay attention. Join a recognized writers group, one that is part of a recognized organization [i.e. Romance Writers of America; Sisters in Crime; Mystery Writers of America]. They will be of great value. Find a critique partner who knows what they’re talking about, one who is willing to help not hinder. If the first one bombs out, find another. In this business you sometimes have to kiss a frog or two.
Speed Round
Tea or coffee? Coffee. Iced. IV drip.
Morning Person or Night Owl? Love to be a night owl, forced by circumstance to be a morning grouch.
Cats or Dogs? Love both, can have neither due to allergies.
Movies or TV? TV. Though “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri” knocked my socks off.
What came first, the chicken or the egg? Beats me.
Mila 18 by Leon Uris changed my life.
How did you come up with the idea for your book? It began with “what if your best friend from years ago dies suddenly and leaves you an inheritance. To collect it, you must return to the town that reviled you.” It morphed into a reunion trilogy.
What's the strangest thing you have ever had to research online for your book?
Argentina’s Dirty War which led to learning about Las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo.
What is the main thing you want readers to take away from your book?
Two things: people can overcome tremendous obstacles and go on to triumph. Second: make a difference in the life of another.
What writing advice do you have for other aspiring authors?
Don’t quit. Listen to other, more experienced writers. If one makes what you consider an off the wall criticism, that’s fine for them. If two people make the same observation, perk up a bit. If three people do it—then it’s time to pay attention. Join a recognized writers group, one that is part of a recognized organization [i.e. Romance Writers of America; Sisters in Crime; Mystery Writers of America]. They will be of great value. Find a critique partner who knows what they’re talking about, one who is willing to help not hinder. If the first one bombs out, find another. In this business you sometimes have to kiss a frog or two.
Speed Round
Tea or coffee? Coffee. Iced. IV drip.
Morning Person or Night Owl? Love to be a night owl, forced by circumstance to be a morning grouch.
Cats or Dogs? Love both, can have neither due to allergies.
Movies or TV? TV. Though “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri” knocked my socks off.
What came first, the chicken or the egg? Beats me.
Thanks again Kat. It was a pleasure getting to know you.

Author Bio

When not writing, she can be found lashed to one of her sewing machines--or chauffeuring the four brightest stars in her life: Meredith and Ashlin, Owen and Kieran.
Good morning from Summerville NY on the shores of Lake Ontario, Queen of the Great Lakes! Thank you so much for hosting Vengeance Is Mine on your gorgeous blog!! What a treat to look around and see how you've created something quite special. Envy is my middle name.
ReplyDeleteI hope your readers enjoy finding out more about me and my book!
Kat Henry Doran