
09 April 2018

Blog Tour & Giveaway ~ Disgrace, John + Siena #2, by Bethany-Kris

John + Siena, #2
by Bethany-Kris
Publication Date: April 2, 2018
Genres: Adult, Romantic Suspense, Organized Crime, Erotic Romance


Siena Calabrese is no longer the prized daughter of la famiglia. Her transgressions against her brothers and family have stained more than just her reputation. Her best chance at keeping breath in her lungs would be to sit down and shut up like she was taught to do. She definitely shouldn’t be feeding information to her family’s enemies. And yet, she is still willing to risk it all for a chance at forever with Johnathan Marcello. After everything, how could she not?

The disgraced one …

Johnathan Marcello’s life and secrets have now been put on display for everyone to see. There’s no hiding the things he’s tried to keep hidden, but maybe that’s the best thing that could have happened. Now he’s about to walk straight into a war between rival mafia families, and he’s got choices to make. His love is on one side, he’s on the other, and everybody is playing for keeps. He’ll play the game just as dirty as anyone else to get what he wants, even to the detriment of himself. For her, how could he not?

The shamed one …

It’s time that the forgotten king takes back his throne. It’s already been too long since it was taken from him.

But when has anything in this life been easy?

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“So, what is your grand fucking plan now?”

“Well, that wasn’t my plan to begin with. It was yours—it didn’t work really well for us.”

“Keep taking those shots at me, man.”

Darren rolled his eyes. “I mean, let’s go at them from a different direction. From behind, in a way. Make it hard for them to do business. Rough up the streets where their Capos have control. Step in between their contacts keeping things under control.”

For a long while, silence stretched on between the two brothers.

Then, Kev spoke. “I like it.”

“Thought you would.”

“You know, I got word someone saw Johnathan Marcello around here shortly before the fire started,” Kev said.

Darren cleared his throat. Out of the corner of Siena’s eye, she saw Darren look in her direction before going back to the conversation at hand.

“That so?” he asked.


“Anything else?”

“So far, the investigator agrees an accelerant was used, and they’ve called it an arson.”

“Just like my place,” Darren muttered.

“But hey, we know who probably did it,” Kev said.

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“We’ll get him.”

“Among many,” Darren agreed. “For now, though, where do we live?”

Kev laughed dryly. “Well, Ma wants me over there. You, too.”

“For a while, that’s fine. But you know how it is.”

“That won’t work with Siena, though,” Kev put in. “She’s the one handling Greta and Giulia, you know what I mean?”

“Ma won’t have Dad’s bastards going in and out of her house all the time. She puts on a good show, sure, but—”

“She’ll only take so much.”

“You could just say fuck the girls for now,” Darren offered. “Focus on everything else.”

“I need them compliant, just in case.”

“Sure, sure.”

“Siena’s enforcer said she did well while we were gone—never acted out of line.”

Siena smiled at that—faintly so it couldn’t be seen. All the while, she never looked away from the men cleaning up the mess that was once her brother’s home.

Good things were coming her way.

She could tell.

“She’s still got her apartment, too,” Kev added quietly. “A couple of months there with an enforcer looking after her won’t be a big deal. I even got the guy to check on the building—there’s an apartment available two doors down from hers.”

“You’re going to send her back to her place?” Darren asked, incredulity coloring his tone. “After everything she did with Johnathan, and even after Ginevra?”

“We don’t know that she helped Ginevra—”

“Suspecting is more than enough in this case, Kev! You’re fucking crazy to let her out of your sight, and you know it.”

“I have to,” Kev grumbled, “for now, anyway.”

Siena smiled wider.

That time, she hid it by looking up at the bright sky.

Good things had come for her.

John + Siena, #1
by Bethany-Kris
Publication Date: March 5, 2018
Genres: Adult, Romantic Suspense, Organized Crime. Erotic Romance


Fresh out of prison after serving a three-year sentence, Johnathan Marcello wants to get back to normal business as a mafia capo. The rules set out for him are clear—keep out of trouble, maintain a low profile, and stay stable. But stability is a delicate balance for a man like John, and shaky ground is only a single step away.

A chance encounter with a blue-eyed woman might just change his whole world.

Siena Calabrese’s life revolves around cooking numbers, and scrubbing books clean. After all, a girl is only useful to men in the mafia, if she isn’t totally useless. As long as she does what they want, then she can maintain the illusion of freedom. But illusions are only delusions in the grand scheme of her life, and reality is far more dangerous.

A man with secrets might just be the one thing she didn’t know she needed.

In this life, family is everything. Or, that’s how it should be.


Mix it all together, and it makes for a volatile city.

A war is coming.

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About Bethany-Kris

Bethany-Kris is a Canadian author, lover of much, and mother to four young sons, one cat, and two dogs. A small town in Eastern Canada where she was born and raised is where she has always called home. With her boys under her feet, snuggling cat, barking dogs, and a hubby calling over his shoulder, she is nearly always writing something … when she can find the time.

To keep up-to-date with new releases from Bethany-Kris, sign up to her New Release Newsletter.

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